Tuesday, November 15, 2005

An Immature Entry

If you're a stranger who, perchance, happens to be a nurse or a nursing student (and with more luck, you're as pikon as me), please leave my blog this instant because you might take this personally and leave stupid notes which will make me even more pikon. This is not directed to nurses in general. Ok? So just go. Leave.


The reason why I've never been serious with any form of competitive sports (or anything that requires competition -- except maybe for my grades...nerdo...) is that I'm so pikon. Just an hour ago, my batchmates lost the last game of the championships to the nursing people, and I think if any person from the opponent could have heard me, they could've killed me on the spot. So that's why I'm now going to rant on my virtual territory and will direct all my powers towards Nursing player number 8.

You stupid, ugly, poster boy for Marfan's Syndrome!!!! I hate you! I hate your stupid face! I hate your stupid knees which are too knobby and potato-like. You vile conceited creature! I'm gonna make your life miserable in internship because, oh yes, I'm gonna be YOUR BOSS!!! I'm gonna make you wipe every patient's ass. And even if I don't see you back in the wards, I just hope to God you migrate to Dubai or some remote place together with your little nurse's lunchbox so I'll never have see your stupid face ever again!!!!

Whew!:D Congrats classmates! Hug:)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Mukhang too late ang lessons...



Peej Bernardo said...

Haha! Pikonpikonpikon!

Musta na, Bodge? Haven't chatted in a while. Hope everything is well. Huy, magtratrabaho na ako, hindi pa tayo uli nakakapag-kape. Text me naman when you guys are free.

BTW, I lost my phone (in Boracay, at that), so please drop me a note of what your number is. Building up my contacts again.

Sige, ingat.

M said...

happy new year, bru! =)