Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hate Letter

To all those who used a samplex and stole a copy of yesterday's Psychiatry exam, I hate you because I know that you probably got more than half of the questions correct without sweating a brow and I, on the other hand, had to lock myself in my bedroom for 2 freakin days, not see my boyfriend (not even watch any of his gigs for the last month because of schoolwork), and sleep until 3am just so I could reassure myself that I had enough knowledge to at least pass. Yeah, I know life is unfair but someday, life will catch up on you because you can't use freakin' samplexes to diagnose a brain tumor or do colon surgery!!!

Epiphany for the day: Lala Fish chips and low fat milk are good for drowning your sorrows in.


Anonymous said...

thank you bodge.

It comforts a future patient and a relative of a future patient of yours that there are decent to-be doctors like you who EARNED their degree.

It is always tough to do the right thing but take comfort in knowing the right thing is the only thing we should be doing.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »